God made music
so you and I could poorly play the same guitar.
What if I never get to miss you again?
Wooden benches, manicures, cappuccinos,
prescription glasses, lilies are for everyone but
God made music
for me to miss you better.
I think God made stoves for you to cook and eyes for me to watch
in case I never get to miss you again,
in case I don’t recognize days shorter than these.
God made clay months to harden and my yogurt to expire and
God made music
so you could hear me clearer.
God made you practical and me a writer so I could irritate you, asking
what if I never get to miss you again
as though I love to miss you
(I love to miss you). God must have missed someone
when making music.
What if He never lets me miss you again?

Here are the lilies that filled my room with pollen the other week.
This is a poem I wrote for my poetry class in a form I find really intriguing--the villanelle. The form goes against my instinct to tell a story because, by nature of its repetition, it demands that I keep returning to the same point. Therefore I chose a theme I thought aligned with the form, and ideas that I find so true I want to repeat them many, many times :)
Interesting form. Lovely poem ❤️ by a lovely young lady .